Club Day 2020
Please read the following information as it provides essential Covid-19 guidelines as determined by the government, British Cycling and Cyclopark, the venue.
Please do not attend the session if you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms
It is essential you bring a face-mask and hand sanitizer for the signing-on process, and remember to social-distance throughout the session.
Wear suitable kit, and also bring gilets, waterproof / windproof tops etc. Cyclopark can be cold and windy
For those cycling to Cyclopark, meet at Bexley High St Car Park, ready to depart 10:15h. A suggested route can be found here
Now open the timetable for the afternoon’s activities which take place on this part of the circuit (below)
Cyclopark, circuits D & F
Circuit D will be used mainly for group riding and pacing
Circuit F will be used for cornering, hill acceleration skills and pacing