Generous club donation

Last week saw two Club members provide a hugely enjoyable evening for everyone present, and as a result of their generosity, add funds to the Club’s pot.

Club member James Dolan who is the Secretary of the Priory Social Club, had heard snippets of member John Freestone’s experiences at our café stops and as a result of this, invited John to give a talk to his members on his “ Experiences at Sea”

John did precisely that, with style and eloquence he held everyone in awe with ‘yarns’ from his early apprenticeship, long periods away from home, sailing all round the world several times over, finishing his long career as Thames and Home waters Chief Pilot and ‘Master of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners’, one of the country’s most prestigious Livery Companies.

One of John’s last jobs was the honour (and responsibility) of escorting our late Queen at her Jubilee procession. John drove her boat (so to speak) but was on best behaviour with the Duke of Edinburgh (an ex. Naval man himself) keeping a close interest in the proceedings.

John’s audience included ex-River men (who could join in with their own stories,) and gave generously to a spontaneous ‘whip’ round for John’s services, which he waived in favour of it (£140) being presented to our Club Chair Mark Palmer.

Mark acknowledged the generosity and was pleased to accept on behalf of the Club.

A very entertaining evening and worthwhile contribution.

Many thanks to both.


lvvp track session 24/05/2023 20:00h - 22:00h


new club secretary required - and coaches