KCA 25 mile 3-up TTT 14/08/2022
Full results for the event can be found here.
The club was heavily involved in the organisation of this event. We were well-represented by 2 senior male teams :
Alex Pearson, Kristoff de Beule & Nick Elson posted a time of 00:55:33, taking the 1st prize in the 3-up senior race
Andrew Brimson, Dave Gearing and Kevin Armstrong also posted an excellent time of 1:02:40. A solo entry from Keith Tanner produced decent time of 1:13:22
For the first time in the club’s history, we entered an all-female team in the 3-up competition. Emily Tanner, Rianna Mahoney and Millie Atkinson (all youth racers) recorded an impressive 1:10:07 in their first TTT event. The girls had been training for this since spring, and the coaching and teamwork clearly paid off on the day.
The club came away with wins in the senior 3-up event, and also the fastest women’s team in that event, so congratulations to all those riders who worked so hard on the day. Incidentally, all our riders were on road-bikes, with no TT equipment, so even more kudos to them all.
Several of the K C.A. observers were very complimentary on the standard of riding, and I heard a comment at the Start " They mean business” as they pulled away.
We provided several Event Helpers with Communications and results run to perfection by Martin, Refreshments - Viorica , course Marshals - Neil Robertson,
Bob Younger, Malcolm Corbett and James Dolan.
Our start man was old friend of the Club Mick Ballard who also was on the course at 4.30 am erecting the 20+ signs around the Course.
Event set up and on-the-day administrator was provided by Terry Blake.
We were graced with the best morning possible for the Event and the winner of the Solo event is the current National 25 mile Champion, so our teams were in good company.
The photos were taken by Barry Adams of CC Bexley who has generously offered to forward any taken on request : barr313@btinternet.com
The Refreshments were provided by the Club and 'sold' by voluntary donations with the proceeds being passed onto the Kent Air Ambulance Service.
Quote from the KCA as regards the club’s contribution :
“Finally special thanks must go to all the marshals, helpers and timekeepers that made this event happen. Terry Blake has done an excellent job in not only managing the marshals from the KCA list but managing to enlist the help of his Woolwich CC club mates to back them up to provide exceptional coverage over and above the requirements. He even managed to enlist the help of the TT legend Mick Ballard to push you off. Using his extensive powers of persuasion, he even persuaded Mick to get up at 03:30 to travel down with him to help erect all the Cycle Event signs and check the course out.”
Overall "A good day out"