The club has just completed its 12-week winter turbo trainer sessions which have a been great success with on average 10-12 riders attending each week.

The majority of the riders that attended have suggested that we continue the Monday sessions, not on the turbo trainers but on the outdoor closed circuit at Cyclopark, as paying public between 7pm-9pm on Monday evenings.

The plan is to start these from Monday 13th May 2024 and every Monday afterwards, to see how they go. This is not a planned coaching session, but just an opportunity for club members to get together and ride our bikes in a traffic free environment, under the floodlights of Cyclopark.

Iā€™m sure there will be opportunities for car sharing or even cycling to Cyclopark. If you are interested, just come along and give it a try. Hope to see you there.

Remember, helmets must be worn at all times while on the circuit at Cyclopark, and please have functioning front and rear lights on your bike.

Paul Smith


Dates for the diary


CLUB TRACK SESSION 25th MAY 2024 16:00-18:00